




 - e-mail



 LiveInternet.ru:   ??? title=
: 10.06.2012
? 16897
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?/a> (0)


? 03 ?2019 ? 23:16 + ?
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? ??...

? ? !

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? 24 ? 2017 ? 16:04 + ?
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?22 -
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? 25 2016 ? 14:27 + ?
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?/a> (0)

? 77 ? , ???

? 24 2016 ? 19:25 + ?
? ?4 [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (0)

? ?

? 10 ? 2015 ? 21:59 + ?
? Ellynna [??/a> + ? ?!]

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? 19 ? 2015 ? 14:51 + ?
? Milendia_Solomarina [??/a> + ? ?!]


? ? ? ?mail.ru ? (? ?), ?? ? ? , ??!!! ??? ???- ????3-??. ?, ? :-)

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? 19 ? 2015 ? 14:50 + ?
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?: , ?? ??/b>

? 19 ? 2015 ? 13:55 + ?
? Milendia_Solomarina [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ??? ?, ?, ?. ?  https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/elementary-podcasts


1. ? ?/span>


Elementary Podcasts

Practise your English language listening skills with Elementary Podcasts. Listen to them on your computer, or download them to your mp3 player or smartp

2. ??? ?? ??? ???? .

Girl with red glasses and headphones

Listen and Watch

You can listen or watch on your computer, or download audio and video files to your mp3 player.

All of our audio and video materials are accompanied by language practice activities that you can do on your computer while you listen or watch, or print out and do when you want.


3. ?, ????nbsp;


?/a> (0)

? 19 ? 2015 ? 13:53 + ?
? Viktoria_84 [??/a> + ? ?!]

how — ?br /> so — ??br /> then — ?br /> there — ?br /> no — ?br /> now —
just — ?br /> very — ?/p>


?/a> (0)

? ??? ?/b>

? 19 ? 2015 ? 13:52 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

?..?????...? 15 ...



?/a> (2)


? 19 ? 2015 ? 13:48 + ?
? Millli [??/a> + ? ?!]

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a (321x230, 23Kb)b (310x233, 29Kb)

?(284x196, 64Kb)

?/a> (0)


? 19 ? 2015 ? 13:47 + ?
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? ? ? – ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?? ??

????? ? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ? ??«» ? ??.

? ??? , , ? ? ?? ??? ?. ?? ?? ?:

? throw-threw-thrown, (?
? fly-flew-flown, ()
? ?? catch-caught-caught, ()
? ??bring-brought-brought. (?
?? ?-
Fling-flung-flung ? (?
Cling-clung-clung , (?)
?? !
? ? say-said-said, ()
? ?
? hear-heard-heard, (?
? ?? ?
??feel-felt-felt (?
???kneel-knelt-knelt... ( )
? ? -
Cost-cost-cost !!! ()


?/a> (0)

? ?

? 11 ? 2015 ? 13:03 + ?
? Lyusya-Spring [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ? , ? ?, ? ?????(?


red - ?br />[red]
orange - ?br />['rnd, 'rnd]
yellow -

?/a> (2)

? ? . ??

? 17 2014 ? 10:02 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ? ? ? ???? ? ? ? -? ?? 18 , ?? ? .

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? ? ? , ?? ???? ? ???, . ?? ?, ? ? ? -?

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? :

??? ?

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?? 14 2014 ? 02:10 + ?
? Milendia_Solomarina [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ? ? ??? ?
? - ? ?? ? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ? (???-??, ????????? :

 ? ??( 30 , 3 ? )

?? ?! ??? ? ?? ? , ? ? ?? ? 30- . ? ? ? , , ? ?, ???, ? . ?? ? ? ? ?? Pimsleur ??? ?????. ? ?? ? ?, ? - ? ? ..


Comprehensive ESL Russian includes 30 lessons of essential grammar and vocabulary -- 16 hours of real-life spoken practice sessions -- plus an introduction to reading.

Upon completion of this Level I program, you will have functional spoken proficiency with the most-frequently-used vocabulary and grammatical structures. You will be able to:

* initiate and maintain face-to-face conversations,

* deal with every day situations -- ask for information, directions, and give basic information about yourself and family,

* communicate basic information on informal topics and participate in casual conversations,

* avoid basic cultural errors and handle minimum courtesy and travel requirements,

* satisfy personal needs and limited social demands,

* establish rapport with strangers in foreign countries,

* begin reading and sounding out items with native-like pronunciation.

??? ? ? ? ? ????? ? ? ?10 ? ?? ?, ?? ?. ?fenglish.ru   ? ?? 30 ? ?/span>



Pimsleur English Unit 01
Pimsleur English Unit 02
Pimsleur English Unit 03
Pimsleur English Unit 04
Pimsleur English Unit 05
Pimsleur English Unit 06
Pimsleur English Unit 07
Pimsleur English Unit 08
Pimsleur English Unit 09
Pimsleur English Unit 10

Pimsleur English Unit 10
Pimsleur English Unit 11
Pimsleur English Unit 12
Pimsleur English Unit 13
Pimsleur English Unit 14
Pimsleur English Unit 15
Pimsleur English Unit 16
Pimsleur English Unit 17
Pimsleur English Unit 18
Pimsleur English Unit 19
Pimsleur English Unit 20
Pimsleur English Unit 21
Pimsleur English Unit 22
Pimsleur English Unit 23
Pimsleur English Unit 24
Pimsleur English Unit 25
Pimsleur English Unit 26
Pimsleur English Unit 27
Pimsleur English Unit 28
Pimsleur English Unit 29
Pimsleur English Unit 30


2  ?3 ?- ??( 30-90, )


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? ?? . .

? 12 ? 2014 ? 14:21 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

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?"?, ...)":
?1 - ????/a>
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?6 - ?? ?
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?8 - ? ?? . .
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????? ?/a>
?10 -
50 ?: ? , ?


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https://www.smapse.com. - ?

? 10 ?2014 ? 15:53 + ?
? Goodwine [??/a> + ? ?!]

https://www.smapse.com. - ? . ? ??. ? ?, ???? ? ? ?? ? ?, ??? smapse ?? .  , ?, ?? ?. ? ?? ? ?? ? ?. ?? ???"?quot; ?:

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?br /> ? ? ??? ? ?. ??? ??, ?? ?????

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???? ??. ?, ??? ?.

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? ? ? ?.

? 15 2014 ? 11:20 + ?
? __? [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ??/span>

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?: ~ + ? ~

Humour.FutbolkaBest.ru - ? ?:)


?/a> (2)

?? ?: ? ? , , ?

? 26 ? 2014 ? 20:35 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ". Clothes."

? ??? ? , , , ? ? ?

3290568_0_8fea2_d0d2901f_M (160x21, 4Kb)

?/a> (0)

? ?

? 10 ? 2014 ? 19:26 + ?
? ?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? buy-bought-bought ()
pay-paid-paid, (?
? ??lay-laid-laid ()
? think-thought-thought, ()
? ???-
Smell-smelt-smelt ?! (?

??? ?/b>

?/a> (0)

36 ? ??

? 07 ? 2014 ? 11:10 + ?
? allxandra [??/a> + ? ?!]

1 . Frankly speaking - ?
2 . To cut it short – ?
3 . So to speak – ??/span>
4 . Meanwhile – ?,
5 . By the way – , ?
6 . It goes without saying – ??
7 . As far as I know – ??
8 . Indeed – ?br /> 9 . In other words – ??br /> 10 . However –
11 . So well –
12 . Besides – ?
13 . Also – ?br /> 14 . ertainly – ?/span>


?/a> (2)

?? ?: ? ? , ? ?

? 23 ?2014 ? 13:54 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ". Fruits"
??, ? -? ? . ? ?? ???

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? 13 ?2014 ? 10:40 + ?
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? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?, ?? ??. ? ?? ????

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. ? The Best!!!
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? 15 ? 2013 ? 11:14 + ?
? alexjdanov [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ? :-))




?/a> (0)


? 21 2013 ? 01:13 + ?
? Your_Yu [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ? ?! ?.

1.thewclc.ca/edge/index.html - The Learning Edge — ? ? ?? ? ?, ?? ? ?speaker ?. ? ?. ?Beginner — Pre-Intermediate ().
2. cdlponline.org - Adult Learning Activities — ??? ?? ?. ? . ? ?Pre-Intermediate-Intermediate. ? ?? ? ??.
3. bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/language/words.. - Words in the News — BBC Learning English — , ????mp3 ?pdf , ??? .
4. breakingnewsenglish.com — ? ? Sean Banville ?? ?.
5. pbs.org/newshour/extra - PBS Newshour EXTRA — ? ?Upper-Intermediate ?Advanced.
6. learningenglish.voanews.com - ? Voice of America for learning English. ? Beginner ? Elementary.
7. simpleenglishnews.com — ? ?Beginner ?Elementary.


???? ? ? ? ? ? ?? , ?, ?? , ? .
themoscowtimes.com - The Moscow Times
sptimes.ru - The St.Petersburg Times

?: schoolenglish.ru — ?, ? ???. ?? ??? .
eng.1september.ru — ? ? « ». ?? ??, ???? ? ???
? ? , ? .


englishtexts.ru — ? ? ?.
pbs.org - ? ? (? «») ? .

????Reading ?Writing:
newscientist.com - New Scientist
economist.com - the Economist

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? 04 2012 ? 18:28 + ?
? [??/a> + ? ?!]


? ? ?

? ? !

?? ??



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? 01 2012 ? 17:42 + ?
? Aelios [??/a> + ? ?!]


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? 01 2012 ? 17:41 + ?
? elvirushka [??/a> + ? ?!]

 ? ??(30 , )

?? ?! ??? ? ?? ? , ? ? ?? ? 30- . ? ? ? , , ? ?, ???, ? . ?? ? ? ? ?? Pimsleur ??? ?????. ? ?? ? ?, ? - ? ? ..



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? 01 2012 ? 17:40 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 17:30 + ?
? __?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]



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? 01 2012 ? 17:25 + ?
? __?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]



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? ? ?16-20

? 01 2012 ? 16:59 + ?
? __?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

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? ? ?21-25

? 01 2012 ? 16:57 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:56 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:55 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:54 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:53 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:52 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:51 + ?
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? 01 2012 ? 16:48 + ?
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? ?? https://uroki-online.com

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