

? Mary Frances

 - ??/strong>

[ ? ?]



 - e-mail



 LiveInternet.ru:   ??? title=
: 16.07.2010
: 4560

?/a> (3)

: ?? ???/b>


?? 23 2011 ? 02:50 + ?


?/a> (0)


?? 02 2011 ? 23:49 + ?
? Tawa_Saenko [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (0)

? ???/b>

?? 02 2011 ? 23:45 + ?
? Tawa_Saenko [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (0)


?? 02 2011 ? 23:43 + ?
? Tawa_Saenko [??/a> + ? ?!]


??? : ?. ?? ? ? ? . ?? ???? ? ? . ? ? ??? ? ?? ?.
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?/a> (0)


? 28 ?2011 ? 01:43 + ?
? lj_master_klass [??/a> + ? ?!]


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? ? ?? . , ? ??? ??????

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?? 29 ? 2011 ? 02:25 + ?
? jelena88 [??/a> + ? ?!]


,?? ?, ?? ?? .? ? .:
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?/a> (0)

CD .

?? 29 ? 2011 ? 02:20 + ?
? jelena88 [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (0)

: ? ??/b>


? 06 2011 ? 14:07 + ?

?/a> (0)

: ??


? 06 2011 ? 14:05 + ?

?/a> (6)

? (Kathleen Dustin)

? 20 ? 2011 ? 00:42 + ?
? -_Shinshilla_- [??/a> + ? ?!]

? (Kathleen Dustin)

?..? ?: ? ???, ? ?? ?? ? ? ????30 ? ??? ?? ? , ??? ? ?? , ?? ???? ?. ? ? ??? ? ?? , ? ?? ???? ?-, ? ???
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?/a> (0)


? 23 2010 ? 19:55 + ?
? ?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]



???? ?-

?/a> (0)


?? 10 2010 ? 16:30 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]




?/a> (4)

-? ??? 10 -15 ?/b>


? 09 2010 ? 23:06 + ?


?/a> (0)



? 08 2010 ? 16:20 + ?


?/a> (2)



? 21 2010 ? 15:56 + ?

?/a> (4)

? Dori Csengeri


? 21 2010 ? 15:52 + ?



?/a> (0)

?? ?/b>


? 21 2010 ? 15:13 + ?

?/a> (0)

-?" ?"

? 20 2010 ? 15:45 + ?
? Lady_Vishenka [??/a> + ? ?!]

-?" ?"

?, ?? ? ? ????:


?/a> (1)

: ??/b>


? 16 2010 ? 23:30 + ?


* ?? ?? 30x10 ;

* 1 ? 45x50 (??;

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* 7 ???25 .


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* ? ??, .

* ? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?. ?.

* ?? ?? .

* ? ?


* , ? ? ? ? ?

: https://onlybiser.ru/ru/braslety/92-piratskii-braslet.html

???? ?-

?/a> (0)

CD .

? 10 2010 ? 18:39 + ?
? jelena88 [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (4)


? 10 2010 ? 18:22 + ?
? montere_mama [??/a> + ? ?!]


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 (508x698, 72Kb)
 (487x699, 70Kb)

?/a> (0)

? ??-2

? 09 2010 ? 20:01 + ?
? Olora [??/a> + ? ?!]

? ??-2

? ?? - 2

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??? ?  https://www.markamobi.com/users/3555603/post117665478/   " ??, ?!!!".  ?????.  ? ????? , ??? ?






?/a> (0)

??, ?!!!

? 09 2010 ? 20:00 + ?
? Olora [??/a> + ? ?!]

??, ?!!!

??, ?!!!

? ?? ?https://daisy-knits.ru/, ?? .

? ? ?   ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???  (480x480, 72Kb)

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?/a> (0)

(? ) ?/b>

? 09 2010 ? 17:21 + ?
? Fly-Tata [??/a> + ? ?!]

(? ) ?/strong>


   1. ? ? (? ).
   2. (? ?.
   3. ??
   4. ?
   5. , ? ? ? .



?/a> (1)

?? ? ?/b>

? 08 2010 ? 22:44 + ?
? Nudeloper [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ? ?/strong>


? “??rdquo; ??? ? , ? ?. ?? ??, ??? , ?? ? – : ? ?????. ? ?, ?? ???– ? ? ?, ??? ??? ? . ?


?/a> (3)

: ? ? ???-


? 03 2010 ? 20:20 + ?
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?/a> (1)

: ? ? ?"?quot;


? 03 2010 ? 20:14 + ?
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?/a> (5)

: ? ? .


? 03 2010 ? 20:10 + ?
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?/?? ? ?br /> ? ? ?br /> : 3-4 , ?? ?br /> ? 3


 (600x450, 108Kb)
??? / , , ?/a>

?/a> (0)

? ??/b>

? 03 2010 ? 16:27 + ?
? svetlinka313 [??/a> + ? ?!]



Plastic Bag Beads

? 25 ? 2010 ? 17:21 + ?
? M_A_G_D_A [??/a> + ? ?!]

Plastic Bag Beads

After making my plastic bag and t-shirt bracelet, I knew I wanted to try that again but in a necklace.  And I wanted some more pattern and color that didn't involve me painting anything.    Then I remember my pile of scrapbook paper under my desk.  A little something about me- I love scrapbook paper... but I don't scrapbook.  It's a weakness.  Anyway, here's a pic:

Alright, to make one of these puppies you'll need:

scrapbook paper (or any other paper you like, even magazine pages could work)
Mod Podge (or another gluey substance; I like Mod Podge because it makes the paper beads super strong)
t-shirt strips

Start by cutting out some strips of scrapbook paper.  Make them as wide as you want your beads to be; they don't all have to be the same size.  Mine were all around 3/4" to 1" wide.  And make as many beads as you want on your necklace.  I made twelve and used eleven.  It's not really a perfect-science kind of project... they don't have to be perfect :)

Take a strip of paper, tape the end to a straw, brush some Mod Podge on the paper, and roll it up.  Brush on some more podge to really make the beads tough.  Do this for every strip of paper, and let them dry (it doesn't take very long, maybe an hour or two for them to be dry enough).

Cut the excess straw off (and save if you're going to make more), and now your beads are ready for stringing.
Cut some strips of tee as long as you want your necklace to be.  I cut three pieces that were about 21" each...

To start making the necklace, tie one end to another.  This is were the first bead will go.  String your bead right up to the knot, and then tie a knot on the other side of the bead to hold it in place (you may need to double knot).


 Tie another knot where you want the next bead to go, and just keep on repeating until you run out of beads and string.  There's no measuring or set pattern for where the beads go... just wherever they look good to you.
I try to make sure that when I add the next piece of tee that the knot is right next to a bead, and the same for when I close the necklace off. 



?1 - Easy Bracelet
?2 - WOW Beading
?6 - Beaded tableware
?7 - Paper Beads
?8 - Plastic Bag Beads
?9 - Beaded Star
?10 - Unusual Beading
?11 - Beaded Balls
?12 - beaded crochet necklace

?1 - frame out of paper
?2 - Paper Beads
?10 - Paper Box - How to
?11 - Hanging Placemat Pendant
?12 - Plastic Bag Beads
?13 - Mirror
?14 - Candy Wrappers Bag
?17 - paper baby shoes
?18 - frames with paper cuts
?19 - origami box

?1 - Re-style your Cell Phone
?2 - DIY Bracelet
?49 - Hanging Placemat Pendant
?50 - ??/a>
?51 - Plastic Bag Beads
?52 -
Vase out of carton
?53 - Lap top stand out of carton
?93 - frames with seeds
?94 - how to make frame with seeds
?95 - recycled umbrella chandelier

?1 - Easy Bracelet
?2 - Just tie it on!!!
?47 - Circle Jacket
?48 - Old Long-Sleeve; New Knotted Tee
?49 - Plastic Bag Beads
?50 - Sleeping Mask
?51 - Peacock Wedding Items
?66 - Bracelet out of old CD
?67 - Easy Baby Booties
?68 - 2 minutes Tote Bag


?/a> (3)

-? ?? ??

? 25 ? 2010 ? 15:38 + ?
? macsik16 [??/a> + ? ?!]

-? ?? ??

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??? ?? ??? ? ? ? . ?:
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? ? ?, ??? ? ? ????J.
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5. ?
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 (574x461, 43Kb)
??? ??
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 (640x480, 60Kb)
? ? - ? ? ? , ?? ??????? ??.

?/a> (0)

? 24 ? 2010 ? 18:35 + ?
? krasa_16 [??/a> + ? ?!]

?( ???/?

?/a> (0)

Jewellery (Two-in-One Manuals)

?? 22 ? 2010 ? 18:41 + ?
? needlib [??/a> + ? ?!]

Jewellery (Two-in-One Manuals)

: Jewellery (Two-in-One Manuals)
? Madeline Coles

: jpg : eng : 52Mb : This manual for making jewellery has die-cut pages that split the book into two separate halves, so that the reader can refer to the techniques section whilst working on one of the featured projects. It also includes a glossary of terms and a section on health and safety.




Jewellery (Two-in-One Manuals)

?( ???/?


?. ?.

? 21 ? 2010 ? 21:44 + ?
? _?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

?. ?.

??? (art clay)? ? ? ???? , ? ?? ?????? .

?? ?? ?? ? ??? ? ?130 , ? ?? ???? ?? ??, ?????.

?? ???? ? ?(, ? ? 1-20 , ??.

???? ??"sinter", ? ??. ? ? ?? 99.9 %, ??? ? ? ? 92.5 % ?7.5 % . ?- ? ?? , ?? ?? ? ?. ??????

?? ? Aida Chemical Industries, Co., Ltd. - Art & Creative Materials Institute. Art & Creative Materials Institute, Inc. - ?, ? ? . ? ? ?? Aida. Aida - ? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? Aida ?? ??, ? ? ?1991 ?? Aida ? ??
? ???? ???

1) ????, ( ? ? ? ?? ??nbsp; ?nbsp; ? ?.  . ?. ?.

2) ? ? ??? ? ?

3) ? ? ?? , ??? ? ? . ??? ?? ?

: ?10-15 ? ?15 ; ? ?; - 7 ??150 ; ?— 7-10 ?- 150 .
: 750 — 10 ? 700- 15 ? 650 - 30 ?

? ? : ?? ????.

?? ??? ? ? 800? 10 ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ?, ?-?-??





??? / , , ?/a>

?/a> (0)


? 19 ? 2010 ? 18:37 + ?
? Kwon-baby [??/a> + ? ?!]


?? .


?/a> (0)

? 18 ? 2010 ? 19:15 + ?
? Svetlya-4ok [??/a> + ? ?!]

?( ???/?, , ?/a>

?/a> (0)

? 17 ? 2010 ? 22:48 + ?
? ?/a> [??/a> + ? ?!]

, ? ?, ?? ? ?  Tracy, ???? ??


?/a> (0)


? 17 ? 2010 ? 22:46 + ?
? Nudeloper [??/a> + ? ?!]


? , ? ? , ?,?10-15 .


?/a> (0)


? 17 ? 2010 ? 16:14 + ?
? Nataly_krestik [??/a> + ? ?!]



??? ? - ?? ? ? ?- ???«»! , ?? ?? - .








? ? ?




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© minchanka.by


?1 -
-? ?
?2 - ?? ...
?3 - ? ??/a>
?4 -
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?5 -
- ? + ? ?
?6 - ? ?
?7 - ?
?8 -
?9 - ???? .
?10 - ??
?11 - ?- ??/a>
?12 -
- ???/a>
?13 -
?14 - ???/a>
?15 -
?16 - ? ??
?17 - ?. ??
?18 - ??/a>
?19 -
?20 - ? ?/a>

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?1 - -? ?
?2 - ?- ?
?3 - ? ?
?4 - ??/a>
?5 -
?6 -
? ???/a>
?7 - ??
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? ? ?


?/a> (0)


? 17 ? 2010 ? 16:09 + ?
? valirossi [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (1)


? 17 ? 2010 ? 16:05 + ?
? valirossi [??/a> + ? ?!]


?/a> (0)

?? ? (Gulnur Ozdaglar)

? 11 ? 2010 ? 20:12 + ?
? sancase [??/a> + ? ?!]

?? ? (Gulnur Ozdaglar)

? ?? (Gulnur Ozdaglar), , ??? ? ? , ? ? ?? ???? , ? , ? ?? ? ? , ? ? ?, ??? ? ? ?? ? ??? ? ????

???? , ?, ? ??? ? , ?, , ??, ?. ? ???, ?. ?, ? ?? ?? , ????? ?? ?.


?/a> (3)

?? ?/b>


? 29 2010 ? 17:01 + ?

donna-kato? ? ??, ? ?
?? ? ?2002, ? ? ?
?(Kato Polyclay). ??The art of Polymer
Clay, ? ? ??









The Art of Polymer Clay. Creative Surface Effects? ?br /> : The Art of Polymer Clay. Creative Surface Effects
: Watson-Guptill
? 2007
? 165
: Jpg
: 13,85

• ?• ?• ?• ? ??• ?• ?• ?• • ? ???• ??• ? • ? • ? • ? • ??• ? • ?• ? ?• ?? ? • ?? ? • ? ? ?• • ???• ? • ? ?• ?• , ????• ??• ? • ? ?• ??• ?• ?• ?? • ? • ?• • ?• ?? • ??bull; ?• ? ?•



The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques

?/strong>: Donna Kato
: The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques: Projects and Inspiration for Creative Canework
: Watson-Guptill
?/strong>: 2008
: 18.35
?/strong>: 174

?? ? ? ??"". ? ? ?, ?

In Venetian glassmaking, slender rods of molten glass are shaped, then cut to reveal amazingly detailed patterns: flowers, geometric shapes, dancing colors. These slices are called millefiori, “thousand flowers,” because they form a carpet of flowers when placed side by side. Now celebrity author Donna Kato shows crafters exactly how to re-create these intricate, fascinating designs in polymer clay. The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques reveals the entire process: how to work with the polymer clay, the basics of planning and creating a cane, and using color effectively. Dozens of canes, from simple to simply stunning, are included, and everything is clearly explained and illustrated with full-color photos, the Donna Kato way. Throughout the book, examples of stunning work by such noted millefiori artists as Kathy Amt, Pier Voulkos, and Kathleen Dustin provide inspiration. There must be a thousand ways to make beautiful millefiori…explore them all in The Art of Polymer Clay Millefiori Techniques.



?/strong>:Donna Kato
:Watson-Guptill Publications
?/strong>: 144

?? ?? ?, , ? ? .


?( ???/?, , ?/a>

?/a> (0)

Simply Beautiful Beaded Jewelry

? 25 2010 ? 14:01 + ?
? needlib [??/a> + ? ?!]

Simply Beautiful Beaded Jewelry

: Simply Beautiful Beaded Jewelry
? Heidi Boyd

: pdf : eng : 12Mb : In this book, you’ll get 50 projects plus variations in designer Heidi Boyd’s simply elegant signature style. Flip through the pages of this book, and you’re bound to find lots of designs that strike your fancy.


Simply Beautiful Beaded Jewelry

?( ???/??/a>

?/a> (0)

The Wire Artist Jeweller (2) - ?/b>

? 25 2010 ? 13:32 + ?
? -_Shinshilla_- [??/a> + ? ?!]

The Wire Artist Jeweller (2) - ?/strong>

? 2004
?? July/August
? 69
: jpg
: 19.62

? 2003
?? September
? 51
: jpg
: 1.73

?( ???/?

?/a> (0)


?? 24 2010 ? 16:36 + ?
? Tata-TranslatoR [??/a> + ? ?!]


1. ? ??

2. ?3-4 ? ?

3. ?? ? ?, - ? ?:


4. ??? ???

5. ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?))



?/a> (0)

Felted Jewelry (? ???/b>

? 22 2010 ? 15:34 + ?
? _ [??/a> + ? ?!]

Felted Jewelry (? ???/strong>


?? ? ? 20 ?




?( ???/?

?/a> (0)

35 ??

? 20 2010 ? 22:15 + ?
? microfon [??/a> + ? ?!]

35 ??

?? 35 ??, ? ? : ?, ? "? " ? ??, ?? ? ? : ?. ? ? ? ? ??? ??? ?? ???


? ??
?? 2007
: ?
? pdf

?( ???/??/a>
?( ???/?

?/a> (0)

. .

?? 17 2010 ? 13:48 + ?
? lapania [??/a> + ? ?!]

. .

? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? . ? !
??? ?


?/a> (0)


? 15 2010 ? 00:12 + ?
? sunmila [??/a> + ? ?!]


?? ... https://minchanka.by/julia/KnittedBeads.html

?? ...

??, ?(? )

??? ??. ?11 ? ? 5 ? ? ? ? ??? ?? .





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