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: 06.03.2014
? 30513
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? 10 2024 ? 19:20 + ?

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242149851_233307375473684_9111080297325043324_n (608x700, 468Kb)

86478730_3057630047580663_524960362097803264_n (700x569, 350Kb)

116605559_3485827558094241_6695250121691718917_n (700x496, 375Kb)

90055774_3134893236521010_6657297169629839360_n (700x496, 339Kb)

90426380_3132715536738780_5699042991834923008_n (700x507, 338Kb)

93773632_3202515479758785_7147907040424230912_n (700x508, 413Kb)

94377469_3220312914645708_905040224487211008_n (700x566, 323Kb)

164492434_123948176409605_7387686621620834492_n (700x388, 329Kb)

173920629_131333142337775_8468113025498487266_n (1) (700x419, 276Kb)

243025734_239924158145339_3687571108197097561_n (700x480, 260Kb)

247330945_255876989883389_4433707158694398831_n (700x381, 280Kb)

271888186_311939374277150_2722819626932424991_n (700x345, 294Kb)

272327099_318659003605187_694572226217307076_n (700x476, 381Kb)

272771139_319285073542580_839054434443132561_n (700x462, 370Kb)

274267343_332793825525038_7154721761830163635_n (700x455, 343Kb)

277790319_365245288946558_8363525607930468144_n (700x373, 265Kb)

316197761_537321758405576_857155446125842282_n (700x469, 428Kb)

318761948_545432800927805_3072652129607065043_n (700x504, 340Kb)

318949572_546327704171648_582469929291191161_n (1) (700x366, 230Kb)

319890319_549911720479913_5325405284426532889_n (700x498, 312Kb)

336793691_643651147521568_5314741288784490299_n (1) (700x665, 384Kb)

443940949_900542642083484_4077772218599717286_n (700x529, 429Kb)

wesna_by_christopher21_d2lseha-pre (700x488, 468Kb)

matery_of_the_light_by_christopher21_d2lqj94-fullview (700x469, 403Kb)
                                                                                                                           160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)


? 2 ??/i>

? 10 2024 ? 17:34 + ?


  ??? ? ?????? ? ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ? .

??Coral, Jade ?18-??   c.1970 '? src=

 - ? ??, ?? ??

?nbsp;? ??? (?, ??  ?? (?? ? ?– ?/span>

 ? Coral, ,  ? 18 ??? ?c.1980 '? src=
  ? ?? ? ?.
CARTIER   Coral, , , ??18-?? Pin Swirl
?nbsp;- ?? ? ? ?
 18kt.Gold ?  Coral ? c.1960


Diamond, ??Red Coral ?18-??  c.1950 Dome '? src=
 - ?.

(? ) - . ?nbsp;- ?.
?  - ??. 

PIERRE Sterle   Coral, Diamond & 18-? ??   c.1950 '? src= ? ? Coral?     ????  ??  ?14k
?nbsp;- ? ??.

  ? ??? ??1860-??

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? ?    ??14k  ? 4  c.1860 '? src=?14k ? ?Coral  ?/ ? src=   c.1808 Coral, Diamond ?Sapphire ? src=
?? ???? ? , ???, ????
Vintage 18 ?? ?  Coral       ?  - ?c.1930 '? src=?  ? Coral ??14k   Coral ??  ...
- ? ?? ?? ? ? , . ? ? ?( ). 
Van Cleef & ARPELS Coral, Diamond & 18-?? ??c.1960 '? src= , ?? ? src=? Coral Pin /  - 50-3-2008 - Lang ? src= ,  ?Coral ? src=?
? - ?   ?? ??- ??? ??. 

? ? "".

,   ? ?, ??14k  ?Coral, Diamond ? 18 ?? Boucheron, ?c.1800 '? src= ?  ? , ?? ? ??Vintage  10K  ?      | eBay

- ? ? ?? , ? ? ?.

??? ?, ? - , ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 

Coral ?   ????? ? , Coral ,   ???Clip-? 14 ? ??Coral Mine ?  ?? ?Coral   ? src=18-??,   Coral ? ? src=

???? ? ?. 

  ?? ? ? . ? ?? ???, ?, ?. ? ?? , ????? ? , ??? . 

Vintage 14 Karat Yellow Gold Carved Coral Freshwater Pearl Rose Flower Ring 18-?? ? Stickpin 18-?? ?  ?14?  ??Coral ? src=

? , , , ? ? ?? ???, ??? ? ?


, ?.

??, Coral ? ?- ? ?  19-   12k ? -?c.1900 '? src=? ???Sabi ? ? ??? ??? ?? ? ?  ?  18K, ?D7319,  ?2 3/8 ?.  Via 1stdibs.

? , ? ? ? ?.

?? ? ?, ??- ? ? ? 

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? ? ? ? ? , ? ? ?? ??, ? ??- . , ?? ? ??? ? . 

, , , ? ? ? 

?- ?? ?Cut Red Coral ???Tiara, .  1870Hand Made 12k   ?  - ??   20  CORAL   ?Art Deco Diamond, Coral, ?  ???- Cartier? ??

?? ? ? ? ????( ? ??. ?? ? . 

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???. , ?? ? ??? ? . 

? ?? ?14k  Coral  ? src= ??  Coral ??18-?? ?  ?  19-

? ?? ??, ?. ? ? ?? ? ?? . 

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?? ? ? . ? ??. ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ? 

?? ?? ? ? ? ?? ? ? , .  ? ???? 

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?? ?? ? ???? ?? ?? ? ??. ?? ? ?? ? ? ? ?

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 ??? ?- ? ?? ?? ?? ????. ???? ? ?? , ? ? ? ??? , , ??

, !  1975 Van Cleef & Arpels     Oaxacan  ?Coral  - ?c.1930 '? src= ?Coral And  ?, ? ???.  ... Coral ? ? ?, 19-

?- ?, ? ? ?? ??? 

?? ??? ????? ?? ??? ? ?(, ???).

 ?  ? - ? c.21st.  ? src=

? ? ? . ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? ? ?????. - , ?? . , ? ? ?? ? - ? ??? ?.

 Multi-Gem, Coral, 14k ?18k ? ??  ????- ?? src=Vintage 10 ?? Coral     , ?? ?1830 ., Coral  ??  Pin: 2  ?AP.  9,4 ., .  1880 .

? ???? ??? ???. ?? ????? ????? ? ? ??? ?? ? ? ? . 

??? ? ?? ? ?????? .

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? ?? ?? ? ? ? ??

?? - ? . ???? ? ? ? ?. 

18-??, Coral ???c.1970 '? src= Broche | ?   Musées - Les ?? src= Cartier Colección-- Joyas   Siglo XVIII XIX Y Que

????? ? ?? ??? ?? ? ? ? ? .

Vintage Estate Diamond, Red Coral ?14 ??   ?14k  ?  Coral ?? src=

?, ? ? ?. ? ? ??? ?? .

, ??. ?? ? ? , ???

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? 10 2024 ? 15:54 + ?

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1-orsk_vesnoy_-_venetsiya (700x492, 383Kb)

1Dkmc9UQbUk (1) (700x600, 516Kb)

1ZU792PK_Fk (700x577, 381Kb)
8nJGi3LH3GA (700x539, 446Kb)

11-bereg_uoranopolisa (700x465, 318Kb)

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EHeyrEDt4Gg (700x461, 372Kb)

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ir3oCQLYSj4 (700x596, 458Kb)

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                                                                                                                     160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

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? 10 2024 ? 14:12 + ?

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? 10 2024 ? 13:36 + ?

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? 09 2024 ? 23:59 + ?

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1409730 (700x399, 217Kb)

LAP1269 (700x517, 345Kb)

LAP192 (700x584, 402Kb)

LAP173 (700x590, 362Kb)

LAP150 (700x421, 250Kb)

LAP110 (700x601, 392Kb)

LAP077 (700x491, 319Kb)

LAP044 (700x471, 349Kb)

LAP012 (700x428, 262Kb)
1409807 (700x453, 212Kb)

1233760 (700x501, 401Kb)

1298159 (700x390, 300Kb)

LAP064 (700x512, 397Kb)

LAP196 (700x563, 408Kb)

LAP197 (700x488, 399Kb)

LAP229 (700x470, 393Kb)

LAP0478 (700x511, 388Kb)

LAP1483 (700x593, 423Kb)

LAP01924 (700x587, 386Kb)

LAP2359 (700x524, 496Kb)
1180050 (700x471, 356Kb)
1028733 (700x517, 336Kb)
                                                                                                                        160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

? 2 ??/i>


? 09 2024 ? 21:21 + ?





A late 19th century French gilt bronze mounted rouge marble mantle clock
The dial signed H. Kreitz


A late 19th century champlevé enamel inlaid brass mantel clock
the dial indistinctly signed Edward and Sons, Glasgow, the movement stamped Vincent & Cie



A late 19th Century French gilt bronze and marble inset figural mantel clock
The dial signed George Dyer, 90 Regent St London


A Louis XVI-style gilt-bronze and white marble mantel clock, circa 1840


A late 19th/early 20th century French gilt bronze mounted amaranth and bois satine parquetry inlaid clock


A late 18th century Dutch ebonised Dutch-striking table clock with annual calendar and moonphase
The dial and backplate signed F.Pasteur, Leiden


A Restauration ormolu and patinated bronze mantel clock, circa 1825| Pendule en bronze doré et patiné d’époque Restauration, le mouvement signé Tarault, vers 1825


A Louis XVI ormolu and white marble mantel clock, Antoine Cronier, Paris, circa 1790 | Pendule en bronze doré et marbre d’époque Louis XVI, le cadran signé Antoine Cronier, vers 1790


An Empire patinated and gilt bronze Africa mantel clock, by Jean-Simon Deverberie, circa 1805, the dial signed Poudra | Pendule à l’Afrique en bronze patiné et doré d’époque Empire par Jean-Simon Deverberie, vers 1805, le cadran signé Poudra


A Louis-Philippe Gilt-Bronze Chinoiserie Mantel Clock, Circa 1840


A Louis XVI-style gilt-bronze and white marble cercles tournants mantel clock, circa 1880


A Dutch table clock with moonphase, alarm and Dutch-striking system on two bells and hammers, 18th century and later
Signed for A. Van Oostrom, Amsterdam






A late 18th century French ormolu and marble mantel clock
The dial signed for Coteau and for Pochon, Paris

A Louis XV Porcelain-Mounted Gilt, Patinated and Polychrome Lacquered Bronze Mantel Clock, Circa 1750


A late 19th century gilt bronze figural mantel clock


A mid 18th century French gilt bronze mantel clock


A late 18th century French ormolu and marble mantel clock
The dial signed Jubel, Paris


A late 19th century French gilt bronze and white marble figural clock


A Louis XV and later gilt bronze mounted boulle bracket clock


A late 19th century gilt and patinated bronze and later malachite clad figural mantel clock
The figure after Théodore Doriot (French, 1829-1937) the movement stamped by Societe Clusienne S.C.A.P.H


A first half 19th century French patinated bronze and Sienna marble figural mantle clock
The dial signed Hemon, A Paris


A Louis XIV gilt-bronze mounted brass and tortoise shell marquetred mantel clock, the clock case attributed to BVRB Ier, circa 1715, the movement signed by Claude Martinot


A Restauration gilt-bronze and grey marble mantel clock, circa 1820, the dial by Cardinaux


A Louis XIV red tortoiseshell, horn, brass, pewter and ebony marquetred pyramid-shaped mantel clock, probably German, Augsburg, circa 1680


A Louis XVI gilt-bronze "Caryatides" mantel clock, circa 1790, attributed to François Rémond | Pendule aux caryatides en bronze doré d'époque Louis XVI, vers 1790, attribuée à François Rémond


A Fine French Empire Gilt Bronze Figural Mantel Clock, first half | Lot #65051 | Heritage Auctions




A Louis XV-Style Vernis Martin Bracket Clock, late 19th century. Marks to mechanism: 1855 Medaille D'Argent


A Lemerle Charpentier & Cie French Gilt Bronze Figural Mantle Clock & Thermometer, circa 1855.


A Napoleon III Gilt Bronze Champlevé Enameled Clock, circa 1870. Marks to backplate of mechanism: HP & Co, 


A Napoleon III Gilt Bronze Figural Mantle Clock with Inset Sèvres-Style Porcelain Plaques, circa 1855.


A Directoire Gilt and Patinated Bronze Figural Mantel Clock, the dial signed Gaston Jolly à Paris, Circa 1800


A Wedgwood Tri-Color Jasperware Clock, Staffordshire, England, late 19th century. Marks to case:WEDGWOOD, ENGLAND.


An early 18th century walnut inlaid marquetry longcase clock
Signed Rob. Warr, London

? 5 ??/i>

?? : ?/b>

? 09 2024 ? 18:59 + ?

1438343 (1) (700x700, 716Kb)

                                                                   1990 ?

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? ??«?raquo; ? 6/2 - « » - 2021 ?
? ??«?raquo; . ? 35 - « ?raquo; - 2021 ?
2020 ?- ?43 ?«? . ??raquo; ?/div>
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letuchiy-golandets-50-60-hm-2018 (588x700, 495Kb)
irisy-3-40-50-hm-2019 (633x700, 538Kb)

73145645_1621072064699409_2104316885918023680_n (700x695, 401Kb)

1490065 (700x683, 614Kb)

1490071 (700x590, 535Kb)

vernost-40-50-hm-2015 (700x570, 543Kb)
_25_883_441 (700x349, 372Kb)

_27_883_441 (700x349, 307Kb)

1488831 (700x480, 357Kb)

1488845 (700x399, 276Kb)

1488868 (700x478, 373Kb)

1488873 (700x411, 364Kb)

1489875 (700x572, 504Kb)

1489904 (700x492, 346Kb)

1489912 (700x424, 377Kb)
1489995 (700x550, 400Kb)

1490018 (700x547, 438Kb)

1490023 (700x577, 461Kb)

1490027 (700x578, 416Kb)

1490052 (700x526, 519Kb)

1490056 (700x480, 506Kb)

116780624_1903620729777873_9044717271855773975_n (700x580, 385Kb)

116713457_1903620869777859_45934246295885084_n (686x700, 575Kb)

74833858_1621072494699366_879386844389703680_n (700x597, 443Kb)

74693536_1621072184699397_2322713005097222144_n (700x691, 452Kb)

72737012_1621072558032693_1447445983532154880_n (698x700, 350Kb)
                                                                                                                160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

? 7 ??/i>

: ?/b>

? 09 2024 ? 16:03 + ?

     Попова (625x700, 267Kb)

                                                               7 ? 1981 .


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artlib_gallery-593459-b (374x500, 175Kb)

попова-а.в.-деревенский-быт-scaled (481x700, 480Kb)
artlib_gallery-280634-b (494x500, 289Kb)

Pw_4c9l9S8_hekquSe-NsuWwJK2iifDiykz5aHePfUBhMKWCRSOmYT54ouTzPXb8vI7NxWbTlhMb7QkllD-kahxA (630x700, 568Kb)

artlib_gallery-278791-b (591x500, 303Kb)
420907 (600x456, 176Kb)

427385 (600x440, 232Kb)

C1pqqJ4LzjPLk8oKpqabvC446bKpZUQ08Tu6Qo6WS0NiW2axaD7XKuYYOm_6QKeToVle2TE0LIplbZPml1q2dJYJ (640x544, 274Kb)

nB1ov_1VLB-1Fn7PuOIE1CO6R9gISxdQEhtHz9kUP0ovoMBP6eMa5q4IECbVdNNUsqgNszWbIT6mZjeiQpLEY2Ha (640x433, 353Kb)
4z2nZA2LXLfQ_ejDU5eKZAFKcsPBXWnoBSDbsJnyN18sb8LfSEaZbmgnXNnjfoj1JJJBAMVuPfMm0qtClAd50osE (700x700, 571Kb)

попова-а.в.-зимний-пейзаж-scaled (700x563, 552Kb)

храмы-ростова-2004-х.м. (700x558, 669Kb)
864656 (700x575, 418Kb)

916602 (700x476, 256Kb)

920986 (700x513, 365Kb)

926357 (700x477, 267Kb)

988809 (700x564, 442Kb)
1004054 (700x375, 281Kb)

artlib_gallery-592980-b (700x470, 340Kb)

artlib_gallery-593458-b (671x500, 334Kb)

artlib_gallery-593461-b (700x375, 297Kb)

artlib_gallery-593460-b (700x242, 174Kb)

artlib_gallery-593467-b (697x500, 335Kb)

artlib_gallery-278800-b (700x441, 369Kb)

531868 (700x450, 307Kb)

463567 (700x360, 206Kb)
                                                                                                                       160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?2 ?/a>
? 7 ??/i>

? "?quot;

? 09 2024 ? 00:31 + ?

                                     ? , ? ???

                                                                        1848 ?– 1884 ?

? ?.

???? ?

? ??? ?   ?, .

? — -? ???
? ??, ??.
??. ???, ? ?/div>
« ».
? ???
? ? ?, ??? ,
?? ??
? ? ?? ?
?? .
?? ? ?? ? ?/div>
, ? ?
? ?.
? ?? ?1860 ?1874 .
?? ??

? ? - ? ??

?1859 1884 ???.

?1860 1874 ? ? ? ? ????


????? «??» (1860), « » (1867) ?/p>

«?, ?raquo; (1874).

???? ??? ?

? ?

? ?? ?? ??/div>
? 107 12 637 ??? ???/div>
?. ?1998 ?? ?
12 637 ? « ?raquo; , ? Sotheby's ???2000 .
?1884 .
?? ? ?, ? ??/div>
? ? ?? , ? ?.
?? ???
" ." 
? ?? ??
??? ? ??
? ?? ? ???
? ? ? : ? ?
????? (?).
: ? ??
? ?, ??.
H1903-L131728477 (469x700, 331Kb)
H0961-L12615053 (500x353, 148Kb)

156088873_2004_CSK_09984_0444_000_074035_ (512x670, 278Kb)

H0267-L41836779 (2) (500x611, 317Kb)
H0267-L05860536 (500x332, 174Kb)

H5500-L64912316 (514x700, 418Kb)

H0045-L120603216 (532x700, 351Kb)

H0096-L302158745 (543x700, 339Kb)

H0961-L374503740 (561x700, 332Kb)

H0961-L374503740 (561x700, 332Kb)

H22141-L309530501 (536x700, 375Kb)

H2373-L288050283 (580x700, 503Kb)

H22141-L334972729 (573x700, 390Kb)

H23064-L370206764 (588x700, 481Kb)
85cba201-f439-4de0-8d7d-7d2e9a8448d6 (700x528, 387Kb)

H0046-L03680732 (700x450, 363Kb)
H0093-L156254717 (700x531, 401Kb)

H0254-L255034091 (700x480, 259Kb)

H0804-L172581958 (700x527, 353Kb)

H4200-L370760637 (700x555, 421Kb)

H22141-L201156763 (700x464, 305Kb)

H20710-L273837083 (700x466, 356Kb)

H20710-L273837060 (700x377, 285Kb)

H3847-L115753761 (700x520, 366Kb)
H20550-L327002299 (700x466, 272Kb)
                                                                                                              160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?2 ?/a>
? 7 ??/i>

Mellerio dits Meller:

? 08 2024 ? 20:19 + ?



??1905 , ? ??? XIII ?? ? ?​​? ??? ? ?? ? ??? ? ??, ?? ?? ?? ? . ???, ??? ???Mellerio, ?????– ?(??? ? ??. , ?, ? ?? ????? ? .

MOtD-_TA5mLBPDgcL3lTuzwsNmHhj_1pVZRD32woIezaqtXv-T2WXN3uNMqVgfmI (600x600, 246Kb)
???? ? ?, ?7,5 , Mellerio dits Meller, 1905 ?

MOtD-_TA5mLBPDgcL3lTuzwsNmHhj_1pVZRD32woIezaqtXv-T2WXN3uNMqVgfmIPAKAqAfUOgjL-2CAE0a2iCHqT_eona9niWDBDTscCo5IEUcEsd_gRRSIJqdpIQWdmodgw4k8ryWUVhDKtf1FILB7UQ (600x451, 221Kb)
? ????, ?? ???? 2984 ?

scale_1200 (1) (600x573, 232Kb)
, , ? Mellerio dits Meller ?1780 .

scale_1200 (2) (600x594, 222Kb)
?« », ? ? 1867 ? ???II ? ?, ? ?, Mellerio dits Meller, 1867 ?

Mellerio ??, ?1796 ?? ? ? ? . ? (1772-1843) ???? ?-? ???1815 ? ? ? , ? ? ?.

scale_1200 (3) (584x700, 474Kb)
?Mellerio dits Meller ?Rue de la Paix.

scale_1200 (4) (414x700, 247Kb)
?1862 , ??? ? Mellerio ? ?.

scale_1200 (5) (600x700, 203Kb)
? 1867 ? ? ??? ? ? , ? , ? - ?? ??Mellerio. ?? ?? ? ?.

scale_1200 (6) (587x700, 237Kb)
?Mellerio ? 1867.

scale_1200 (7) (600x700, 489Kb)
, Mellerio dits Meller, 1825 ?

scale_1200 (8) (600x597, 234Kb)
? ?, , ?, Mellerio Hermanos, ?1855 ?

? ? ? ? 1855 . ? ?? ?? ?? . ? ? ? ??? ?? (1815-1896) Mellerio Hermanos ???1850 . , II ?????

scale_1200 (9) (580x700, 444Kb)
? ? ?, ? ? ?, Mellerio dits Meller, 1879 ?

scale_1200 (10) (542x700, 248Kb)
????, Mellerio dits Meller, ?1870 ?

?Mellerio, ? ???, ? ? ??? ?? ? ?, ?. Mellerio ? ?? ? ? ?XVI : ?, , ? ??? ? ? ??100 000 ?.

scale_1200 (11) (574x700, 443Kb)
?? – ? «».

scale_1200 (12) (600x700, 145Kb)
?? ?? Mellerio dits Meller, ?XIX . ??? ??? ???? ?

scale_1200 (13) (600x648, 148Kb)
?? ?, Mellerio dits Meller, ?1890 ?

scale_1200 (14) (600x564, 213Kb)
?? ???33 , Mellerio dits Meller.

scale_1200 (15) (600x450, 152Kb)
?? ?, ? ? ??? ?, ?7,5 , Mellerio dits Meller.

scale_1200 (16) (600x500, 93Kb)
? ???, ?? Mellerio dits Meller, ?1880 ?

scale_1200 (17) (600x524, 226Kb)
?? ??? ??? Mellerio dits Meller, ?1900 ?

scale_1200 (18) (558x700, 361Kb)
? ?? ?, ?5,5 , Mellerio dits Meller.

scale_1200 (19) (589x700, 217Kb)
? ? ? , Mellerio dits Meller, ?1950 ?

scale_1200 (20) (600x700, 279Kb)
? ?, Mellerio dits Meller, ?1960 ?

scale_1200 (21) (600x450, 67Kb)
?«Monte Rosa», Mellerio dits Meller. ?? ?, ???

scale_1200 (22) (600x600, 207Kb)
? ? ?, Mellerio dits Meller, 1977 ?

scale_1200 (23) (580x700, 235Kb)
?? ?? , , , ??? 25 , Mellerio dits Meller, ?2001 ?

scale_1200 (24) (600x678, 211Kb)
?? ? , , ? , ??? 24,5 , Mellerio dits Meller, 2004 ?

scale_1200 (25) (578x700, 269Kb)
?? ? , , ? , ??? 26 , Mellerio dits Meller, ?2001 ?

?2013 400-? «Mellerio dits Meller», ???? ?«Secrets de Lys». ? ?, ? ?? ? ? ? ?, ?.

scale_1200 (27) (600x592, 177Kb)
? ? ? ??«Secrets de Lys» ??, ?4500 ?.

scale_1200 (26) (600x386, 149Kb)
?«Secrets de Lys», ? ???? ?, Mellerio dits Meller, 2013 ?


? 5 ??/i>

? ?/b>

? 08 2024 ? 18:58 + ?

                            ?? ???

                                                   1939 ?- 2017 ?   


?? ?.
? ? ?
? ???? ?,
? ? ? ? ? ? ?/div>
???? 21 ? ? ?? ?/div>
??, ???. 
?1964 ? ??1967
?Green Glades Gallery Melbourne, ,
? ?? ??.
? ? ??? ?.
?1969 ????, ??1972 ? ? ?/div>
? ? ??
? ? ??? -?
? ?? ?? ?
? ? ?
? ?? , ? ?? ?,
??? ???
? ?
? ??????.
??- ?? ??
? ??" ??" ?1988 , ?/div>
? ???? ??.
? ??
????? ? ??? ?/div>
, ?? ???? ?.
?2017 ? 78 ?
?? ?.
?2003 ?? Camberwell Art Show, ??/div>
??: " ? ? ?? ?
, ? .
? ? ?? ? ??
? ?? ? ??? ?
? ? ? ???? ?
??, ??????, ???
? ??? ?? ?? ?, ??
?? . ?? ?? ? ,
? ? ? ? ? ? ? .
? ?? ? , ?? ?/div>
, ?, ??.
?, ???? ?
? , ?? ? ? .
? ??? . , ??? ?
?, ? ?? ?
, , ?? ?? ?.
? ???? ? ? ?/div>
?, ???"
?? ?? 
???? .
? ?? ????
? ? ? : ? ? .
?? ???(?).
: ?, ? ? ?? 
? ?, ??.
73026062_2398158000237228_7861249212199993344_n (543x700, 406Kb)

72127195_2398147870238241_7166602028041371648_n (700x506, 358Kb)

73023619_2398153330237695_7481072781765902336_n (700x499, 467Kb)

75513329_2442257549160606_9127763410556026880_n (700x538, 493Kb)

117194448_3074826259237062_68538338280194181_n (700x541, 498Kb)
Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (4) (1) (700x504, 383Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (18) (700x528, 492Kb)

V8A3j (700x502, 491Kb)

V8A3T (700x523, 539Kb)

V8A3V (700x555, 491Kb)

V8NyB (700x437, 319Kb)
Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (6) (700x544, 354Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (7) (700x554, 421Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (9) (700x586, 536Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (10) (700x700, 505Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (12) (700x543, 485Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (13) (700x534, 462Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (15) (700x531, 460Kb)
Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (19) (700x420, 368Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (20) (700x458, 421Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (22) (700x473, 395Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (23) (700x481, 357Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (24) (700x482, 353Kb)

Ivars Jansons Tutt'Art@ (32) (700x469, 344Kb)
                                                                                                                         160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?2 ?/a>
? 9 ??/i>

?- ? ?

? 08 2024 ? 15:07 + ?

                           Melissa-Scott-Miller-portrait_0 (466x700, 317Kb)

                                                                 27 ? 1959 .

??  ?????.

? ? ??1977 ??

Slade, ?? (UCL).

? ?Slade ? ???? ?/p>

?? ??? ??.

?1999 ? ? (RP) ?/div>
Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize ?2008 ?Islington Kids (? ).
?2009 ? ?New English Art Club (NEAC), ??2018 — ??
? — Elizabeth Greenshield Foundation, ? ?
?? , ? ?? Leighton House ? ? South
Bank Picture Show.
?30 ??? ????/div>
? ?Mark Jason Gallery, Mall Galleries ?17 ? ?.
? ??? , ? ???
??? ? 
?? ? ?2022 : "? ? ??/div>
?? ????? ??, ? , ?? ?/div>
? .
? ? ??? ??? — ?
??? ?? ??? ??, ? ?/div>
(1922-2011), ? .
? ?? (1923-2020), ??.
? , ? The Slade.
? ? ??? ?? , ?
? ??
? ??? , , ?[] ? ??/div>
? ? ? .
? ?? ? ?? ?, ??/div>
? ?. 
??? ?, ?? ."
??  ?? ??
?? .
??? .
"? ?? ??? ?? , ??/div>
??? ???
? , , ??, ? ??
???????— , ? ?/div>
— , ???, ? ?/div>
? ? .
, ? ? ??, ? ???
?????, ?? ?
? ??, ? ?
? ? (, ??)."
???? ?
? ?? ?? ??
? ? ? : ? ?
?? ? ?nbsp;
: ? ? , ?  
? ?, ??.
Islington Kids with frame (1) (700x393, 330Kb)

Islington Kids with frame (700x393, 330Kb)

Melissa Scott Miller frame_0 (700x393, 383Kb)
36976840_1068488483299405_4432813073069244416_n (700x490, 599Kb)

Без названия (1) (700x463, 451Kb)

Без названия (2) (700x525, 523Kb)

Без названия (3) (700x257, 248Kb)

Без названия (4) (700x520, 546Kb)

Без названия (5) (700x461, 474Kb)

Без названия (6) (700x695, 587Kb)

Без названия (7) (700x700, 737Kb)

Без названия (9) (700x584, 461Kb)

Без названия (700x692, 753Kb)

Без названия (1) (698x700, 595Kb)

Без названия (2) (700x348, 359Kb)

Без названия (3) (700x552, 507Kb)

Без названия (4) (700x495, 488Kb)

Без названия (5) (700x571, 561Kb)

Без названия (6) (700x491, 448Kb)
Без названия (700x519, 444Kb)

KingsCross_flats (700x592, 569Kb)

MSM003_Islington_summer (700x546, 648Kb)

msm004_melissa_adam-cordelia (700x556, 465Kb)

MSM015-Sunflowers (1) (700x549, 569Kb)

Palm (700x559, 681Kb)
                                                                                                                160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?2 ?/a>
? 8 ??/i>


? 08 2024 ? 00:25 + ?

                                                          Без названия (204x192, 36Kb)

                                                                              1966 ?

 ? ?  ?? ?
? ?- ? ?
() ?? ? .
"?? , ? ?/div>
? ?? ,
, ?
?? ????, ?/div>
? ?? ??/div>
? ? ? .
, ??? ???
 ? ? ??? ??.
? ?
? ?? . , ?/div>
"ArtPriority", .
? ??
? ??? ??
??? ?? ?
?? ????.
? ?? ???, ? , ,
, ??, .
« ? ?raquo; ? ?/div>
? ?
"? ? ?? ?/div>
? ????? ?/div>
? ? ?? ?
? ?? ?
, ? , ?
? , ?? ??? ? ?/div>
«? ???? ??
?«?», ?? ?/div>
? ?, ??.»
« ? ??? ?
? ? ?
????? ?
???? ??«?».
«? ?, ?? ??
« ?raquo;, ? ? ?, ??/div>
? ?? ????
? ? ??,
- « ????raquo; «?».
?? ???? ?? ?
? ?? ? ? ??/div>
? ?, ? ?( ?
??? ?? ? , ? ? ?/div>
? ?-???." 
? ??? .
??? .
? .
? ??  ????/div>
? ? ? : ? ?
? .
: , ? ??.
? ?, ??.
artlib_gallery-496296-b (601x500, 377Kb)

864521 (600x593, 229Kb)

943263 (600x500, 228Kb)
artlib_gallery-503596-b (600x373, 177Kb)
1106526 (645x650, 443Kb)

145149 (700x392, 327Kb)

152642 (700x414, 361Kb)

841793 (700x559, 419Kb)

947254 (700x562, 368Kb)
1091692 (700x498, 344Kb)

1091693 (700x586, 517Kb)

1136991 (700x546, 464Kb)

1167375 (700x581, 503Kb)

1185583 (700x554, 493Kb)
1192420 (700x522, 524Kb)

1205329 (700x538, 372Kb)

1255913 (700x509, 441Kb)

1332900 (700x559, 467Kb)

1336456 (700x577, 469Kb)

1360231 (700x522, 452Kb)
artlib_gallery-502895-b (676x500, 312Kb)

Без названия (3) (700x546, 481Kb)

Без названия (2) (700x586, 543Kb)

1368026 (700x455, 314Kb)
                                                                                                                            160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?1 ?/a>
? 6 ??/i>

?? ?/b>

? 07 2024 ? 15:27 + ?

                                               Без названия (322x156, 46Kb)

                                                             7 ?1958 – 12 ?2015 .
?? ?? ??.
?? ??? ?-
? ? ??? ???, ?/div>
? ? , ?? ?
? 17 ? ??  ?   ?,
? «??». ? ? ?
? ? . 
, ? , ???? ???
?? ? ???. 
;???? ? ? ?
? ? ? ???(),  Cooma Cottage.
? ?? ? ? ?
???? ?
?1994 ? (?? ????
??? ?? ?? ?«?— ?
, ???? ????
? ????? ??
?1995 ??   Calthorpes' House  ?nbsp; Lanyon , ?/div>
?? ??? (ACT).
??????ACT ???? ?
?? ? ?
?1996 ???, ?? ?
?? ? ?/div>
???? National Trust of Australia,  Pan MacMillan  Publishing,
ACT Supreme Court    ??
? ??, ? ??#39;?QCAM,
? ?-?? ? ?? ?
?, ??Australia High Commission ???News Limited ???
?? , ? , ? ??/div>
?? ???, ??/div>
, Hope for the Children (Rotary International), AMACC (Afghan Mother & Child
Care), Koomarri Canberra, The Smith Family, NSW Volunteer Bushfire Brigade, CanAssist, ??/div>
?? ?
  YASSarts  ,
?? ? ????.
?2010 2014 ? ? Kim Nelson Fine Art & Editions, ??/div>
  Oddfellows' Hall  ?? .
? ?, , ? ??/div>
???? ? ?? ?/div>
? ????
? « », Country Arts Energy,
?? ? .
? ? ?/div>
? ?? ?-? ?News Corp., ? ?Australia
High Commission ??
?2013 ?? « ? » ???? ?/div>
? ? ?? YASSarts  ? ?? ?/div>
? ? ? , ??? ?/div>
??? ? ????.
«? ???? , ?????
;1996 «??raquo; — ? ? ???/div>
1997 «?» — ? , ,
1997 «?» — ?, , ???nbsp;  
1998 «» — , , ?    
1999 «?- ? ?Cooma Cottage» ()
- «? ?» ??? ???/div>
1999 «??raquo; — ??? , ???/div>
1999 «??raquo; — Sheep's Back, ? ???nbsp;     
2000 «?? ?» — ??? , ?/div>
2000 '? ?- ? ?, , ?/div>
2001 « » — ? ? ???/div>
2001 «? ??» — ???
2002 «???raquo; — ? ? ? ?/div>
2003 « ?raquo; – Sheep's Back, ? ???/div>
2005 «» — Sheep's Back, ? ???/div>
2005 «ICON» – Salmon, , ???/div>
2005 « ?» – GIG, , ???nbsp;   
2006 «» – , , ???/div>
2006 «WATERLINE» & «SKETCH» – Sheep's Back, ? ???/div>
2007 «?? ??» – United Galleries, , ?/div>
2008 «??» – United Galleries, , ???/div>
2009 – Sheep's Back, ? ???/div>
2010 ?? – United Galleries, , ?/div>
2010 – Kim Nelson Fine Art & Editions, ? ???/div>
2011 – Kim Nelson Fine Art & Editions, ? ???/div>
2012 «» — Kim Nelson Fine Art & Editions, ? ???/div>
2014 « » — Kim Nelson Fine Art & Editions, ? ???/div>
?2004 ?? ? ? ? ?/div>
??? ? ? ??/div>
?? ??? ?? ?/div>
?, ?.
??? ? ? ? ?/div>
?2005 – «», «?raquo; ?« ?», ? ?
?- ?? , ? ?
?2006 ???United Galleries ? ??
?2008 United Editions «NELSON – The Art of Kim Nelson», ?
?? ?1996 2008 ? ? ??/div>
???? ?."
?? ?? ??
? ? ??
???? .
? ?? , ???/div>
-? ?? ?
? ? ? ?? : ? ?
, ?? .
?????? ? ?(?).
: ? , ?? .
? ?, ??,
H0669-L71726231 (500x468, 171Kb)

H0669-L121509914 (500x385, 187Kb)
Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (10) (525x700, 307Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (9) (522x700, 339Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (16) (578x700, 335Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (18) (616x700, 470Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (19) (700x455, 301Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (20) (700x465, 446Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (21) (700x559, 378Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (25) (700x462, 365Kb)
Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (24) (700x432, 270Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (28) (700x480, 262Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (34) (700x522, 408Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (37) (700x526, 355Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (43) (700x578, 294Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (59) (700x337, 224Kb)
ot-klassiki-do-abstrakczii.-kim-nelson-1 (700x697, 351Kb)

ot-klassiki-do-abstrakczii.-kim-nelson-4 (700x687, 240Kb)

ot-klassiki-do-abstrakczii.-kim-nelson-7 (700x700, 373Kb)
116916277_165057768454551_5362346561055855573_n (700x475, 343Kb)

116876241_165057485121246_5559864811556405514_n (700x514, 314Kb)

117075374_165057291787932_4596898923469500468_n (700x403, 298Kb)

117078231_165057498454578_6175973080354305763_n (700x425, 294Kb)

117356029_165057358454592_1462158966232788657_n (700x498, 282Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (43) (700x578, 294Kb)

Kim Nelson - Australian Symbolist painter - Tutt'Art@ (65) (700x468, 277Kb)
                                                                                                                              160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?1 ?/a>
? 7 ??/i>

: ?/b>

? 07 2024 ? 00:16 + ?

                                                BBlood-300x257 (300x257, 59Kb)



???? ?

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? ? ??alma mater.
? ? ?? ???? ?.
? ??, ?? ?,
? ???? ?.
? ??
?? ??? ?.
??? ?? ? 
?????? Southwest Art Magazine, Art of The West Magazine,
American Artist Magazine, Plein Air Magazine, Fine Art Connoisseur ? .
  , ?? ?, ?? ? ?/div>
?. ? ?? ? 
?? ? ?? ( ?
??? ? ).
?? ? ??.
?: " ?
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309096787_511036201027570_7740438243030936188_n (700x519, 392Kb)

309139137_509256754538848_7389792204703633428_n (700x535, 472Kb)

309219891_509255371205653_6912322170960165493_n (700x519, 527Kb)

309267852_509256757872181_5008045120317180661_n (700x536, 418Kb)

309315479_509256071205583_7190047677135384570_n (700x536, 427Kb)

309383677_511039031027287_1643221136647134744_n (700x557, 455Kb)
309391372_511038097694047_3030921353058676489_n (700x530, 380Kb)

309408061_512098770921313_5682138074541041861_n (700x546, 474Kb)

309420211_511957770935413_47542831526478945_n (700x473, 338Kb)

309581389_512020974262426_5963974431946941859_n (700x555, 495Kb)

310086350_518796370251553_5705529409111085330_n (700x536, 454Kb)

310113262_518796363584887_2693439801497341515_n (700x536, 490Kb)
310196511_518796360251554_393414347678620501_n (700x536, 468Kb)

310204362_518796373584886_6485954853197308269_n (700x536, 447Kb)

310353919_518796386918218_1804934500030842974_n (700x536, 401Kb)

310390941_518796380251552_5402727514152960936_n (700x536, 466Kb)

310603442_518796383584885_5616457290917555080_n (700x536, 414Kb)

310714440_518796390251551_2726053824150838066_n (700x536, 432Kb)
311135843_532322232232300_1322461729691581547_n (700x546, 426Kb)

311265740_532323002232223_8199242343985114750_n (700x542, 475Kb)

328886082_855830805487016_3404017274767214173_n (700x574, 424Kb)

404729299_18322105387109134_4963069247441477583_n (700x554, 248Kb)

412470584_7348065028578093_4093889057622152287_n (700x548, 445Kb)

418536071_18329048164109134_5969234859957826102_n (700x585, 454Kb)

454058235_8381017565282829_2187338596150570101_n (700x548, 536Kb)
                                                                                                                          160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

? 7 ??/i>

? ? ??24-933 ?

?? 06 2024 ? 20:54 + ?

3370207_17529754 (150x150, 20Kb)

? ?? ?

? ?!


rozes-krizantemas-piegade-Riga-425 (425x425, 232Kb)

                                                 160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

? 3 ??/i>

? ? ??/b>

?? 06 2024 ? 19:25 + ?

                RodionovaS (600x511, 161Kb)

                                                             12 1971 .

?nbsp;?nbsp; ?.
???? ?
?1994 ? ?
? ( ??
? ?????/div>
?2002 ????nbsp;
( ?? ?.
??? ?.
? .
?1994 – ? .
2006 - ? ???"?quot; "?quot;
2004, 2006, 2009 - .
2007 - ? "??" ? .
2007 - ? ? -?" - ". .
2008 - 10 ? ? " "?? ".
2008 - , 50-??? ? , ?
2009 - ? "? I" ?
2009 - ? , ? 75-? ?
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?? .
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"?". ?? ? ? ?, , ??/div>
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? ? ? : ? ?? ?
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118393867_2704903699755814_5846367369754823393_n (491x700, 402Kb)

129140950_2794816607431189_3533978808786296904_n (497x700, 424Kb)

201205336_241681357765088_9068218425348307412_n (523x700, 484Kb)

130895066_2810055359240647_4852740111911168738_n (560x700, 339Kb)

131309236_2804333069812876_3664693655345655093_n (560x700, 344Kb)

80251515_2658509237728594_838691170248116661_n (700x546, 368Kb)

116434445_2687960311450153_3428767623059315609_n (700x575, 479Kb)

116865846_2681194882126696_4804053953296960833_n (700x514, 464Kb)

117042100_2684683095111208_4813346947793144684_n (700x526, 373Kb)

118166806_2701791230067061_1885675482762132361_n (1) (700x544, 453Kb)
122184899_2755839204662263_3933177786640669303_n (700x496, 392Kb)

123165689_2766349890277861_4797959412980942395_n (700x514, 389Kb)

125846647_2783429361903247_8246152634138234142_n (700x506, 402Kb)

130269800_2802783019967881_8408782627974972269_n (700x535, 323Kb)

131353296_2802783023301214_5049590175101122521_n (700x535, 348Kb)

156891686_2869256369987212_7871426700591529005_n (700x370, 227Kb)
176145240_198524298747461_7935338665756533112_n (700x519, 358Kb)

186477869_215393987060492_1078192767071155993_n (700x560, 461Kb)

187681901_219516959981528_6420551327272852998_n (700x583, 423Kb)

193671095_228617852404772_4106683037820815667_n (700x598, 419Kb)

201214027_241682117765012_1301966633471067011_n (700x494, 402Kb)

artlib_gallery-292443-b (700x485, 393Kb)

artlib_gallery-301002-b (700x479, 281Kb)

artlib_gallery-360344-b (646x500, 310Kb)
                                                                                                                   160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?1 ?/a>
? 8 ??/i>

? ?/b>

?? 06 2024 ? 15:20 + ?

1679858544_papik-pro-p-devid-danlop-peizazhi-vo-vremeni-6 (700x472, 255Kb)


? ??

???? ?

"? - ?, ? ? ?
? ?? ??
?? ? ? ???/div>
??Phi Beta Kappa ? ? , ? ?? ?
?2011 .
?MFA (? ) ??, ?.
? ?????? ? ?
? ? , ?? ?, ? ??.
??? ? ?1981 .
??, ???Art New England ?/div>
The New York Times.
? ? «?-??raquo; ??
«??raquo;, ????? «??raquo;. 
?? ? ? , ?
?? ? ?? ?4000-
? ?2005 .
? / ???, ?/div>
? ? ? ? ? ..
??? ??? Silvermine ????/div>
? — ? , ? ????
?, ?? ??
??? ? ?? ???,
Aetna Insurance, Citibank, Delta Airlines, GE Capital Corporation, IBM, Mobil ?.
?— ????13-???PBS
«? ??», ? ? «» ?«?/div>
» CINE ?2009 .
«?hellip;» ? ?? ?/div>
??2013 .
? ?
?????SimmonsArt; ??Connecticut
Public Television.
??? ??? ,
Connie Simmons/SimmonsArt.
? ?? ?The New York Times.
?? ? ? «?-?/div>
?2000 ? ? « ?raquo;; ?/div>
? , .
??? ?1981 .
2014 ?? ?«??raquo;, Susan Powell Fine Art, ? ?
2013 : «, ?», Crossroads Art Center, ?
; «???raquo;, The White Gallery, , ? « ?»,
Susan Powell Fine Art ?«, ? »,
Adam Cave Fine Art, , ? .
2013 : «????raquo;, Watershed Gallery, , ? ?/div>
«?OR Waters», Attic Gallery, , .
2012 : « ?? CT», Susan Powell Fine Art; « ?raquo;,
, ?, ?? «?hellip;», The White Gallery; «?OR», Attic Gallery; ?«???», Myers, ? ?.
?2011 : «?raquo;, White, ?, ?
«?», Weatherburn, ? ? «?»,
Adam Cave Fine Art; «», ; ?«?», Susan Powell Fine Art.
?2010 : «? 23- , , ??»,
Attic; «??raquo;, ? Silvermine Guild, ?, ?
«?», Weatherburn; ?«????», Susan
Powell Fine Art. 
?2005 ? ? ?4000 ??/div>
. ? / ? ??
?, ? ?; ???/div>
?, ?, ? ?, ,
?; ?, ? ? ????, ?
?— ????13-???PBS «?/div>
??», ? ? «» ?«?»
CINE ?2009 .
«?hellip;» ? ?? ?/div>
??2013 . ? ?
?????SimmonsArt; ??Connecticut
Public Television.
??? ??? ,
Connie Simmons/SimmonsArt.
 ?2000 ? ? « ?raquo;;
? ? , .
??? ?1981 . 
? ?? ?. 
??? ? ?? ?"
? ?? ?? 
? .
??? .
? ??? ? ??
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? ? ? : ? ? ?
?? ???(?).
: ??
? ?, ??.
Nature+preserve_oil+on+enameled+laminated+aluminum_36x36 (686x700, 676Kb)

Silver+Mist+and+reflections,+oil+on+brushed+silver+enameled+laminated+aluminum,+36x36 (687x700, 721Kb)

epx70gkpgl1ori07e4tc (700x699, 682Kb)

5hxr0unnva0abqaoohn2 (700x700, 747Kb)

305926663_407010088235610_6012749524897189895_n (700x418, 419Kb)
intimate+sea+grass,+oil+aluminum,+18x18 (700x690, 969Kb)

Dunlop_City-Midtown+Crossing_oil+on+copper_36x60_15000 (700x420, 546Kb)

Dunlop_NYC+GCS-+Under+The+Clock+II_oil+on+aluminum_+36x36_edited-3 (694x700, 455Kb)

Dunlop_shoreline+Marsh+Labyrinth_oil+on+brushed+silver+anodized+aluminum_24x48_6500 (700x349, 457Kb)

Dunlop_Summer+Pool_+oil+on+anodized+aluminum,40x60_16000 (700x466, 457Kb)

island+Marsh(plum+island)+II_+oil+on+canvas_30x40_6500 (700x526, 439Kb)

Lake,+marsh+and+mountain,+oil+on+enameled+laminated+aluminum,+24x24 (700x692, 661Kb)

Salt+Marsh+Stonington_oil+on+linen_40x60_16000 (700x478, 405Kb)
Fast+City+oil+on+Dibond+36x36_6500 (700x700, 625Kb)

Highway+Sunset+%22+oil+on+Dibond+12x12_1000 (700x685, 420Kb)

Lakeside+Thistlesoilon++dibond,+48x48 (689x700, 699Kb)

manhattan+horizon,+oil+on+canvas,+36x36.jpg+alt (684x700, 726Kb)

Misty+Shore,+oil+on+Dibond,+12+x+12,+1000 (700x656, 492Kb)

Silver+Mist+and+reflections,+oil+on+brushed+silver+enameled+laminated+aluminum,+36x36 (687x700, 721Kb)
qfc7sy8od1l2qooqn1g6 (694x700, 564Kb)

b05y02dpu07d76e1p5x0 (700x696, 637Kb)

9i8j7paw638fmo977xct (700x423, 466Kb)

2r90mt3ww24rdf4qu7d7 (700x462, 412Kb)

ezw1cihkme2ssu09t9k6 (700x472, 512Kb)

2kc2dd78zeisef8yvvvl (700x454, 448Kb)
                                                                                                                       160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?3 ?/a>
? 9 ??/i>

?(? : ?/b>

? 05 2024 ? 23:30 + ?

    wriu7g3npwsbdcycwhr0 (640x640, 788Kb)

                                                           10 1947 .

?nbsp; ?? ??-??
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? ?? ?.
?? ?
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?? ????? ? ???.
4 ? ? ???? ??.
??? ? ? ??/div>
, ? ? ?, ?? ?
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? ?? ?, .
?? ?? ??? .
16- ? « », ?4 ? ??
? ?? ? ???
? ? , ? ?, ? ?
?? ? ?????.
??, ? , ?? .
??? , ??? ? ?? ?
??? . X ?
??? ???Sydney Boys Grammar ?/div>
? ? ?
?? 28 ?
?? , ? ?.
? ? ? 2 ? ????
?, ? ??
? ?, ? ? , ? ?
? ??, ???Wauchope High School ?St Ives High School.
? ??, ???Wauchope High School ?St Ives High School.
? ?Woollahra Galleries ?1974 , ?? — ?Holdsworth Gallery ?/div>
? ?.
? , , ? ? ??
? ??«» ?
? ? ??? ??, ?? ?
? « ».
?? 150 .
? ? ? ? ??? ?
??? ??? ?2 ? ?
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?? , ?? ?? ? ?, ? ?/div>
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?? ?, ? ? ?1- , ? ?50-!
?? ?? ? ?— , ?? ? ?
? ??3 ?
​ ? ? ?? ??.
? ?? ? ? ?—
?? ?, ? .
?? ? ?1980 1988 ? ??? .
? ??? ?? ?
? ? ??
​??, ??1985 ? ??
?? ??, ? ??
? ?.
?? ??? ????
? ? ??, ?? , ?/div>
? ? ?? ?, ? ? !
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?: «? ? ? , ??
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? ? ??
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?? ??? ?? ? , ? ?/div>
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1585215_1000 (560x700, 503Kb)

Robert-Hagan-6 (600x609, 326Kb)

362960105_766605238804685_5224682292977087626_n (700x529, 365Kb)

Robert-Hagan-0-800x445 (700x389, 419Kb)

Robert-Hagan-1 (700x543, 404Kb)

Robert-Hagan-2 (700x496, 363Kb)

Robert-Hagan-02 (700x560, 394Kb)

Robert-Hagan-04 (700x560, 541Kb)

Robert-Hagan-05 (700x468, 440Kb)

1423168498-011 (700x430, 401Kb)

1423168498-012 (700x432, 330Kb)

1423168498-013 (700x466, 412Kb)

1423168498-014 (700x506, 422Kb)

1423168499-015 (700x511, 306Kb)

1423168501-022 (696x700, 671Kb)
1423168507-045 (700x525, 421Kb)

1423168505-037 (700x522, 457Kb)

1423168504-034 (694x700, 626Kb)

1423168503-029 (700x511, 422Kb)
1585552_900 (697x700, 685Kb)

1583605_800 (700x351, 385Kb)

1580880_800 (700x539, 523Kb)

1579490_800 (700x700, 676Kb)

1578853_800 (700x511, 375Kb)

1577580_800 (700x318, 319Kb)

galeriezuger-robert-hagan-out-numbered (700x516, 488Kb)
                                                                                                                    160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?2 ?/a>
? 6 ??/i>

?- ??/b>

? 05 2024 ? 19:01 + ?


– ?, ? ??? ? ? ? ? ????? ?? ? ? ? . ????? ? ?? ?? ?????? ?? ??, ?? ??.


?2 ?/a>
? 6 ??/i>

??? ?/b>

? 05 2024 ? 16:54 + ?

156122076_ (671x620, 211Kb)

                                                                 14 ? 1946 - 29 ? 2021 .

??? ?.

????? ??, ?
? .
?????? ???nbsp; -?—
? ? ? , ? , ? .
?1968 ? ? ?(
? ????/div>
? ? « ??-
??nbsp; ? »).
?1974 — ?? ? ?
?1977 ???
?1994 ??? ?? ?
?«?raquo; ?? , ??
( «») ?? ?
???- ???/div>
, ?.
???? «?»,
? ? ? ???
? ???, ?/div>
, ? .
???1988 . ?2008 ? ? ??/div>
«N-Prospect» (??.
? ? ? ? ?
?1992 1993 ? ??? ?? ?1995 ? ?
? ?? ?.
? ?, ? , ??/div>
? ??? ?.
? ? – , ? , ?
? ?« ?
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? ???( II ?
???2014 .
??? ???? ????/div>
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? .
????, ??/div>
??, , ?hellip;? ?.
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: , ? ?/div>
? ?.
83ef62894d18677ff0cfa0e0e575c181 (574x700, 580Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_06 (600x422, 201Kb)
xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_08 (600x497, 234Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_09 (600x400, 181Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_10 (600x441, 231Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_15 (650x540, 320Kb)
xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_07 (700x545, 388Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_05 (700x546, 470Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_04 (700x595, 487Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_03 (700x525, 237Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_02 (700x525, 236Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_01 (700x520, 263Kb)

242403438_4284640168320347_3932838624511358754_n (700x484, 382Kb)
xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_11 (700x494, 288Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_12 (700x559, 419Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_13 (700x440, 327Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_14 (700x552, 447Kb)
ed257585125efb7b0c34225e121d0ba8 (700x466, 359Kb)

da0769af1aa648fbf73676ae50a4cb97 (700x521, 332Kb)

bce86b1393acd659d124bfcf7606c253 (700x435, 545Kb)

4933359e96e316515c2a0ea38822fc80 (700x463, 529Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_17 (680x534, 261Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_18 (700x449, 405Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_19 (700x429, 301Kb)

xudozhnik_Aleksandr_Kolotilov_27 (700x571, 538Kb)
                                                                                                                       160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?1 ?/a>
? 6 ??/i>


? 05 2024 ? 00:13 + ?

                                   Alexander-Altmann (409x410, 273Kb)

                                                         28 1878 - 14 1932 .

??nbsp; ?  ??
?? ?? ????.
??? ??? , ?? ?
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? ? ?? ?.
?20 ?? ??, ?? ?/div>
? ????.
?1905 ? ? ?, ???
? ? ??? ??
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? ? ?? ??/div>
?? .
? ??1908 ? ?
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, ?????? ?
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??, ???????
? ? , ? ??1914 ??/div>
​​? ?, ?, ?? ? ?1912 .
?? ? ? ????
? ?? ? .
?1920 ?1922 ? ??Marcel Bernheim.
?1927 ??????
?, ?? ?1950 ( ?1932) .
?? . ?nbsp; ? ?-,
??27 ?? ?; ?
?? ?.
? ? ? ? ?/div>
? ? ?? ? ???/div>
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52680pl (508x700, 548Kb)
H0928-L313975454 (524x700, 443Kb)
H20877-L355993207 (545x700, 493Kb)

9a0bde545052_w736 (545x700, 522Kb)

H22582-L373227714 (556x700, 386Kb)

H22582-L373227714 (556x700, 386Kb)

H20877-L355991373 (570x700, 499Kb)
511179ld (700x566, 643Kb)

511180ld (700x570, 644Kb)

535144ld (700x456, 498Kb)

535145ld (700x570, 567Kb)

H0052-L104622495 (700x575, 511Kb)

H0649-L151656226 (700x469, 423Kb)

H0820-L311331578 (700x492, 422Kb)
H0820-L329423779 (700x576, 434Kb)

H0820-L329423792 (700x557, 494Kb)

H0928-L381999608_original (700x530, 280Kb)

H2594-L343915721 (700x512, 422Kb)

H5747-L335811278 (700x596, 494Kb)
H5777-L337320312 (700x615, 436Kb)

H8361-L196963224 (700x576, 375Kb)

H19999-L146433824 (700x557, 485Kb)
H21369-L187545314 (700x538, 485Kb)

H20877-L365747843 (700x531, 390Kb)

H20877-L334842026 (700x592, 424Kb)

H20877-L311397115 (700x599, 524Kb)
                                                                                                                        160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

? 6 ??/i>

?? ?? ??/b>

? 04 2024 ? 20:34 + ?

                                          kiyoshi-saito (307x378, 44Kb)

                                                  27 ? 1907   — 14 1997 .

"?? ? , .
??? , ? ? ?? .
????? .
??, ?? 12 ? ???? ?.
?? ?? ?, ? ? .
???????? 14 ? ???
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? ???
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18 ? ? ?????
?20 ? ? ? ? ?
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??? ? (1903-75) ?.
?? ??? 23 ? ? , ? ??
???​​?, ? ?
? ????1931 ?? ?? ?
? ? ? ? ?? ?
? , ? ?, ? ??/div>
?1932 ? ? 9-?
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?? ? ? 26 ? ??? ?
? ?1936 , ??? ??
(1888-1955) ???? ? ? ????
? ? ?? 5-? ?/div>
? ??
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12- ? ? .
?? ?????.
? ?? ? ??? ?,
?« ??raquo; (?.
???????? ? « ??raquo; ? ?/div>
?1938 ??? ?(1909 – 1990) ? Formative Woodblock
Print Society.
??? ? ?? ?? ??
Kokugakai, ?
?? ????? ?Sukiyabashi.
?? ? Hanga Wo Tsukuru Hito E («?raquo;) ? ?
?, ?.
??? ????/div>
? ? ?
? , ??.
?: «?? ?„?ldquo;» ?«? ? - ».
? ? ??? ? ?,
??? ?? .
?1942 ? ?.
?? ?The Asahi Shimbun Company ?1944 , ?? ? ?/div>
?? ?? ? (1891 – 1955).
? ?? ? ,
, ??« ??raquo; ??Tokyo Kaiko Zue («? ??raquo;),
??? ? ?? ????
? ???
?? ? ?? ?
?? ? ??
1- ? ????1951 ? ,
? ? Steady Gaze , ?/div>
??(1920–1976) ? Momentary Illusion.
?? ? ?? ? ?
? ? ???, ? ? ?
? ? ?????
???? ? ??.
? ?? ? ?,
?? ? ? ?? ?? ??/div>
, ?? ?, ???
?: «????, ? ?? ?».
?? ?«?».
??? ?? ?? ?—
? ?— ??? ?.
?? Asahi Shimbun, ? ?10 ? ?
? ?1955 .
?? ???1956 ????
????, ? ? , ??/div>
?? ??
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?? ? ???? ?
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? ? ?? ?
- ? ?? « » ?«
??? ?? ?1965 .
: «??? ?? ?, ?,
? ???».
???? ?.
? «??raquo; (A) ?1950-??
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????? ? ? ??? ?/div>
? ? , ? ? ?1960-??
? ? ? , ???1950-?? ??«?»
(C) ??« ?raquo; (F) .
?, ? ???.
1960-? ? ? ? ? ? ??
???( ( . «κόλλα + γράφω» — «
+ » ?. collagraph)[1] — ??? ? , ?/div>
XX ???? ? ? (??
? ??? ? . ? ?/div>
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, ? ?? (??).
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?? , ??, ?
«?» ? .
?, ?? ? ? «?? , ?/div>
?? .
??????? , ? , ? ?/div>
??? ???? ? ? ?,
???, ??? ???.
1970-? ? ???
?1970 ? ???? ? ,
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« ???(3)» ?«?? ??(2)» , ? ?/div>
? « ??raquo; , , ?, ; ?«», ?
?? ?
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? ? ? ? ?1940-?? ? «».
??? ? ? ? ???
???? ? ??1950-?? ?
? «, ?raquo;.
? ?? ?, ?«, ?raquo;.
? ?, , ? ???1950-??
? ?, ??? ????? .
?? ? ?; ?
? ?« ??raquo; , ???, ?? , ? ?/div>
?115 ? ??? ?? ????
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?1987 ? ?? ? ??.
?? « ??(71)» ?.
? ? ??? ?
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?, ? ????
???? ?1997 .
???10 ???? ?, ??/div>
, ????? ? ?
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«???raquo; ?« ? ».
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: «?? ?? ?? ??raquo;.
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"??? -?? 20- .

?1938 ??? ?« ??raquo;.

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?1951 .

? ? ? ??


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? ? ? ? ????.
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? ? ? ??/div>
? .
: ? , ??.
? ?? ?? ?.
000160 (392x700, 342Kb)

000164 (503x700, 521Kb)

800px-Kiyoshi_Saito,_Titled_Autumn,_Aizu_Yanaizu,_Fukushima_-_1965 (506x700, 463Kb)

Май в Аидзу2 (480x700, 437Kb)

Лето и дом (480x700, 342Kb)

000161 (700x605, 298Kb)

000162 (700x477, 176Kb)

000163 (700x433, 367Kb)

000169 (700x462, 403Kb)

000170 (700x434, 188Kb)

000171 (700x496, 236Kb)

000172 (700x500, 486Kb)

000173 (700x486, 219Kb)

99127621_3902238663150999_7810462898962038784_n (700x503, 320Kb)
100621208_3902239009817631_3764335743120441344_n (640x439, 163Kb)

100867215_3902238886484310_4265682482399019008_n (700x472, 242Kb)

100918570_3902238243151041_6047476607474466816_n (700x528, 453Kb)

101003701_3902239146484284_3558420695824203776_n (700x469, 327Kb)
101061172_3902238363151029_3906132731188215808_n (700x527, 437Kb)

101532222_3902238466484352_3675086859580473344_n (700x528, 417Kb)

Лодки 1932 (700x445, 337Kb)

перцы2 (700x504, 326Kb)
coral-1955 (700x523, 325Kb)

цветы (700x492, 330Kb)

Хоккайдо коровы (700x524, 465Kb)

Хоккайдо конь 750 (700x521, 501Kb)

С быком2 (700x469, 450Kb)
                                                                                                                          160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

? 7 ??/i>


? 04 2024 ? 12:32 + ?

                                                      76336_hud (280x350, 54Kb)

                                                                             28 1961 .

??? ?.

: " ??1961 ? .

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: , ???? ??/div>
? ?, ??, ??.
77498_gal2 (695x700, 353Kb)

90883_gal2 (698x700, 558Kb)

1358103981-1037120-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x525, 326Kb)

1358103940-1034135-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x515, 508Kb)

1358103943-1038002-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x491, 373Kb)

1358103942-1034147-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x557, 340Kb)

1358103939-1034693-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x557, 446Kb)
1358103949-1034276-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x556, 317Kb)

1358103948-1034845-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x626, 404Kb)

1358103946-1034316-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x563, 429Kb)

1358103944-1036937-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x452, 337Kb)

1358103944-1035256-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x527, 408Kb)

1358103937-1038979-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x634, 511Kb)

1358103936-1034878-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x482, 277Kb)

1358103933-1034320-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x562, 545Kb)
1490095 (700x526, 353Kb)

1508424 (700x494, 357Kb)

1358103953-1036245-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x555, 382Kb)

1358103954-1036935-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x416, 227Kb)

1358103961-1036243-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x587, 498Kb)

1358103963-1034751-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x558, 484Kb)

1358103973-1034122-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x525, 287Kb)

1358103974-1034700-www.nevsepic.com.ua (670x700, 392Kb)

1358103981-1037120-www.nevsepic.com.ua (700x525, 326Kb)
                                                                                                                     160916344_156796678_a1a4cdad254db79c41988f2639aba002 (143x72, 23Kb)

?7 ?/a>
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: [209] 208 207 ..
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